Sunday, February 17, 2019

Possible changes coming

Hey everyone,

It has been awhile.

For the past few years this Blog has been gotten quite dusty from non use.

Why you may ask?

Well, I started this Blog at the time when I had my first heart attack. Later, I had a second heart attack and shortly after, a stroke.
The stroke came as I was in the hospitable recovering from the heart attack.
I did make a small recovery from the stroke but not enough to resume my interest in cooking.
I am just not able to handle the physical demands to do anything more than the most basic cooking.

Making a video of my cooking efforts is so physically demanding that I can not enjoy it at all and cooking out doors around burning coals is not possible for me to do safely.

So that is why this Blog and my YouTube channel have been idle for so long.

I'm bored. I really need something to do.

Recently I have been considering doing some podcasting on my YouTube channel and possibly writing some articles here. I have not yet made up my mind and not yet sure what I will write or speak about in a podcast.

So that is where things stand as of today.

Thanks for reading!