Saturday, April 13, 2019


So Hellboy is in theaters and the early reviews are bad ...

Consensus is the writing is poor and the CGI is terrible.
This is disappointing news as I had been excited that this film was being made.

Considering this development, I will wait to see this film when it is available on DVD.
I will do a review after that.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Review - Reign of the Supermen (2019)

What is it about?

Six months after the death of Superman at the hands of Doomsday,
Superman's body has been taken from his grave.
Nobody knows who has taken the body or why.

Lois Lane (Rebecca Romijn), just recently learning of
Superman / Clark Kent's Secret identity and struggling
with her grief, sets out to find
some answers.

What did I like ?

Lois's interaction with Diana / Wonder Woman (Rosario Dawson)
Was awkward, as she learns of Wonder Woman's relationship
with Superman. This scene was totally believable, well acted and the dialog well done.

I liked this iteration of Steel (Cress Williams) much better
than how Steel was portrayed on The WB's  Legends of Tomorrow  .

Lex Luthor (Rainn Wilson) was spot on.
Arrogant and self-absorbed, this is the classic Luthor character
and I really enjoyed how he is portrayed here.

What did I not like?

Superboy (Cameron Monaghan) is quite different here than he is
portrayed in Young Justice.
Superboy's personality seems more like Young Justice's Impulse
than Superboy. I found this a little annoying.

how do I rate this film?

I'll give this film 4 stars 

Scale of 1 to 5
My Rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Friday, March 29, 2019

Review - Knightfall Season 2 Premere

Season 1 was good and I have high hopes for season 2 as well.

As season 2 begins, we find Landry (Tom Cullen) fallen from grace and on his knees begging to be taken back into the Knights Templar.

After much debate the decision is made to allow Landry to rejoin starting over at the bottom as an initiate. Landry must prove himself worthy or be forever banned from the becoming a Templar.
Landry is to be trained by Talus (Mark Hamill) a crusty old Templar who does not seem to care for Landry in the least.

Once again the sets, costumes and locations are all top notch. Season 2 appears to off to a great start. I am looking forward to see what follows as the season progresses.

Scale of 1 to 5
My Rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Possible changes coming

Hey everyone,

It has been awhile.

For the past few years this Blog has been gotten quite dusty from non use.

Why you may ask?

Well, I started this Blog at the time when I had my first heart attack. Later, I had a second heart attack and shortly after, a stroke.
The stroke came as I was in the hospitable recovering from the heart attack.
I did make a small recovery from the stroke but not enough to resume my interest in cooking.
I am just not able to handle the physical demands to do anything more than the most basic cooking.

Making a video of my cooking efforts is so physically demanding that I can not enjoy it at all and cooking out doors around burning coals is not possible for me to do safely.

So that is why this Blog and my YouTube channel have been idle for so long.

I'm bored. I really need something to do.

Recently I have been considering doing some podcasting on my YouTube channel and possibly writing some articles here. I have not yet made up my mind and not yet sure what I will write or speak about in a podcast.

So that is where things stand as of today.

Thanks for reading!