Friday, March 29, 2019

Review - Knightfall Season 2 Premere

Season 1 was good and I have high hopes for season 2 as well.

As season 2 begins, we find Landry (Tom Cullen) fallen from grace and on his knees begging to be taken back into the Knights Templar.

After much debate the decision is made to allow Landry to rejoin starting over at the bottom as an initiate. Landry must prove himself worthy or be forever banned from the becoming a Templar.
Landry is to be trained by Talus (Mark Hamill) a crusty old Templar who does not seem to care for Landry in the least.

Once again the sets, costumes and locations are all top notch. Season 2 appears to off to a great start. I am looking forward to see what follows as the season progresses.

Scale of 1 to 5
My Rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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