Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My First Blog

Okay ...

So now I have a Blog ... what to do with that?

Grilled Swordfish
Well, in the past two years I've become more interested in cooking. I had a little setback last year with a Heart attack followed closely by a Stroke ... but here I am 1 year after that ... still alive and kickin' and starting to get back in the kitchen again ...

I'm thinking about this interest in cooking and maybe turning it into a Hobby ... it may help in my recovery from the Stroke ... it will be a challenge as I am still weak and struggle with my motor skills ... it is frustrating when my hands and fingers dont do exactly what I'm telling them to do and something ends up on the floor ... but I believe in time persistance will get me where I need to go ... at the very least it will be fun for me ... and I've never really had any kind of a Hobby before ... so maybe its about time ...

Beef and Mushroom Stir fry
What kind of cooking? ... good question ... of course I like Outdoor Grilling and BBQ ... I also like Asian Style Stirfry ... and I have a Monster Love of Chili ... especially Chili Verde ... YUM!

Recently I have developed an interest in Cast Iron Cooking ...

So I think that gives me a variety of things to explore ...

We'll see how things delvelop from here ...

Thanks for Reading!


  1. Hobbies can turn into a business………good luck and stay healthly.
